The Wisconsin Heights Public School District recognizes the importance of regular school attendance to student achievement and is committed to doing whatever it can to encourage students to attend school regularly. Failure to attend school not only has an adverse effect on student learning but also helps contribute to a student’s feeling of alienation and non-participation. Attending school for a child is comparable in importance to an adult reporting to his/her job. It should occupy a prominent place in his/her life.
A student is excused from school attendance if his/her parent/guardian submits a written excuse to the school prior to the student’s absence from school. A student may be excused under this provision for not more than 10 days in the school year. Examples of these types of absences may include but are not necessarily limited to, business appointments, medical appointments, college visitations, required court appearances, driver’s examinations, and family vacations. A student so excused is required to complete the coursework missed during the absence. Arrangements for making up work due to prearranged absences will be determined at the discretion of the building principal and/or designee.
Parents/guardians are asked to telephone their child’s school by 8:00 a.m. on the day of the absence to inform school officials of the absence. To provide for compliance with state law, parents/guardians should also provide a written excuse in order for the child’s absence to be considered excused.
Students with excused absences are allowed a minimum of two class periods for each excused class period missed to make up assignments and examinations. The classroom teacher may extend this timeline for extenuating circumstances.
Wisconsin Heights School District Policies are available on the School District’s homepage under the Board of Education tab.
Elementary Attendance Line: (608) 767-2251 (messages can be left 24 hours a day)