Census Information

Wisconsin Heights School District Census Information

The Wisconsin Heights School District is gathering census information for all children living within the school district’s boundaries be­tween the ages of 0-20 years old. State law requires districts to submit census information to the WI Department of Public Instruction each year. Please complete the census online if your children are between the ages of birth-20 years old, even if they do not attend schools within the Wisconsin Heights School District.

Is Your Child in our Census?

If you are a Wisconsin Heights School District resident and have children (birth through 20 years of age) not currently enrolled in our District, we would like to hear from you.

Why is it important that you fill this out?

It helps us plan our future enrollment in our District.
It enables the district to provide you with further information appropriate for your child.

Is this the same as registration?

The Census is different from registration.  The benefit to you is if you fill out the census, you are in our system, and we are able to contact you with further information.

2025 Census Form or complete the form online.