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College Seniors in the Education Field: Are you student teaching Fall 2023/Spring 2024? If so, consider applying for the GROW scholarship!

The GROW Cooperative is a partnership of four school districts in South Central Wisconsin: Cambridge, Lodi, Sauk Prairie, and Wisconsin Heights, and is offering seven (7) $10,000 scholarships to seniors who are student teaching in the Fall semester/December 2023 or student teaching/graduating in the Spring semester/May 2024.

Students who are awarded these scholarships will sign an agreement with the GROW Cooperative to apply, interview, and, if offered, accept a teaching position within one of the GROW districts (Cambridge, Lodi, Sauk Prairie, or Wisconsin Heights). Once hired, the teacher agrees to teach in that district for three years.

How do you apply?

1. Review the GROW 3 Working Application. Answer the questions in the word document. This will allow you to have a draft before submitting it to the Qualtrics portal.

2. Review the GROW 3 Evaluation Rubric; this is how your application will be evaluated. Note that the Competitive Preference point is awarded by the committee depending on the projected teacher needs of the districts. For example, if Wisconsin Heights is anticipating a High School Science opening, a competitive preference point would be awarded to a science teaching applicant.

3. Use this link to complete and submit your application.

4. Applications are due on May 1, 2023, by midnight.

Questions? Please contact the GROW Grant Director, Liz Dostal, at