Mrs. Nimmow's class witnessed monarch caterpillars gorge themselves on milkweed and then several days later pupate into beautiful chrysalises.
After a couple of weeks, they saw several monarch butterflies emerge from those chrysalises and excitedly released them. Who knows, maybe there are some future lepidopterists (people who study butterflies and moths) in the group!

#VanguardPride Athletics - September 26-30

Mr. Fuchs's #VanguardPride High School Outdoor Sports class took a field trip on Thursday, September 21st!
Kayaking on Lake Mendota! The weather was perfect - not too hot and not too cold. How fabulous is that!

Personal Finance broke out of their Checking and Register Unit. Checks were stolen from them, and they had to break into lockboxes by balancing a checkbook to crack the codes. Once in the boxes, they found the name of thieves written in invisible ink. The thieves were Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Acker. The students then had to track them down to get a key to get into a mini-lock box stashed with sweet treats!
These Breakout Edu boxes were provided by the Wisconsin Heights Endowment Fund, which awarded $8,700 in mini-grants for innovative projects, this past spring. Mrs. Meinholz and her students are very thankful to the Endowment Committee for providing the grant for these boxes!

Happy Frogday....we mean Friday!
A very large frog joined our elementary students at recess today. Well, he is green ......

This might look like graffiti, but it's actually the Senior Post in the Wisconsin Heights Tech Ed shop!
A tradition that was inadvertently started by Mr. Stelzel when he signed one of the shop posts upon his retirement. Now seniors are allowed to do the same at some point during the last few weeks of their high school career.

Are you interested in learning more about Lacrosse? Register for TryLax!
And remember - Heights CoOps with Sauk for Boys Lacrosse and with Sauk & Deforest for Girls Lacrosse.

Sixth grade has been working on creating a positive classroom that is safe, respectful, and engaged in learning. The students had to work together in order to get their whole team across the Amazon River. If they lost bodily contact with their magic stepping stones, the current swept the stone away. During this activity, the sixth graders exemplified what it means to be safe, respectful, and engaged in learning.
Great learning activities happening at our #VanguardPride schools!

We still need a head cook at the #VanguardPride Elementary school.
Please contact Human Resources at 608-767-2595 extension 3004 if interested in learning more.

#VanguardPride Athletics - September 18-23

7th Graders in Mrs. Schmitt's Reading class are working on inference skills. Student groups were tasked with solving the mystery of who kidnapped the fictional principal. Given evidence exhibits A-F, limited interview information, and a description of the scene of the crime, students used inference skills to determine what is known about the victim, who the culprit could be, and what evidence points to that solution.
Great work!

The #VanguardPride Welding students have received a donation from Peoples Community Bank.
The class has been in need of an upgrade to the welding helmets and Peoples helped out with brand new WeldCote helmets for each of the welding booths!
Thank you, Peoples Community Bank!

Mr. Fehlen's class is happy to be back at school! Week 2 has the class enjoying some independent reading!

The Wisconsin Height School Board approved a donation of $9,069.00 at the September 11th board meeting from Youth Basketball!
The money will be used to purchase the following items for the WHSD.
1. A new glass door industrial refrigerator to place in the concession stand.
2. A rollable shelving system that will help move goods in and out of the concession stand.
3. Two separate basketball racks for organizing the elementary school closet.
4. The purchase of a new Dr. Dish CT+ basketball shooting machine system.
A huge #VanguardPride thank you to Youth Basketball for your generosity!

#VanguardPride Homecoming Court 2023
Freshman: Clifton K. & Macy S.
Sophomores: Maya L. & Greyden S.
Juniors: Emma A., Clara A-S., Nicholas R. (not pictured) & John R.
Seniors: Ian K., McKindsey C., Alaina K., & Felicity C.
(students not in order of picture)

Here's a 🦇🕸 spooky 🦇🕸 message from the Black Earth Library!

7th grade math did a cups challenge to build community! Using only a rubber band and string, the students were challenged to move 10 cups into different formations. As students completed different formations, they were given more difficult challenges, but they actually got faster at the challenges because they worked as a collaborative team and communicated with each other!
Nice job #VanguardPride 7th graders!

Wisconsin Heights Elementary is holding an Open House on Friday, September 15, 2023, 5:30pm - 6:30pm!
Come on out and stay for the #VanguardPride Homecoming Football Game!

7th grade math played Back to School Jenga to get to know each other.
Each Jenga block had a color on it that corresponded to a question about the students. As students pulled out blocks and increased the size of the towers, they had to answer questions about themselves.
At the end of class, the students were quizzed on their classmates with a game of guess who where Mrs. Meinholz read interesting facts about each student, and the class had to guess who she was describing!
What a great #VanguardPride way to get to know each other!

Happy Homecoming Week Wisconsin Heights!
As we celebrate our current students, and those who came before, we invite our community to participate in these events! Go Vanguards!